
Showing posts from 2018

Accepted Centennial 3D Animation Portfolio 2018

I received an offer of admission for Centennial's 3D Animation program on January 8 but saw the offer on February 1. It was my 1st time applying.  T hough I did end up accepting my offer for Seneca's Animation program instead. I had a little more time to work on this than I had for my Seneca portfolio, so its a bit better. By a bit, I mean very minuscule. I also had to do a few more pieces; 4 life, 2 hands, 1 portrait, 1 still life, 1 layout, 1 digital, 1 page of character design, 3 personal

Accepted Seneca Animation Portfolio 2018

I just received an offer of admission for Seneca's Animation program yesterday and I'm so happy and excited to start this Fall. To be perfectly honest, I'm not at all proud of this portfolio given that it was exam seasons (I'm a 2nd year university student) during the period I worked on this portfolio. I had to be insane to apply when I did given the timing. I didn't know the deadline was on February 1 *facepalm of century* We had to submit a total of 10 pieces; 2 life, 2 object, 2 layout, 2 hands and 2 personal I wanted to post this since I spent the last month looking at other people's accepted portfolio. I hope this helped those who want to apply next year or the future.  It is certainly not my best work, but it got me in. So for that, I'm entirely grateful and vow to work my butt of in the program!